Sunday, November 07, 2004

are you gonna be distracted?

Right after I got home from watching A Home at the End of the World -poster on the right-, I searched this movie in IMdB to find some interesting fact on it. It turned out that one of the most interesting fact is that Colin Farrell's full frontal nudity scene was left in the editing room. I remember of seeing Farrell's bum in the movie though..

At first, I thought that was ridiculous. Can people really distracted by the nudity that is shown?

Some days later, I found the answer myself. It was offered in an event that I participated in, in the Museum für Völkerkunde, when I had to perform as part of the.. world. Heh.. The performance right after my performance was Kecak dance originated from Bali. The dance performed by around 15 men. And they were shirtless. In the beginning of the performance, one of the guys had to bring a sort of offering and placed it in front of the stage.

And when he came on to the stage.. Guess what.. Whistle came from in front of me, from beside me, and some mumbles came from behind me. LOL.. Suddenly I flew back to the night that I saw A Home at the End of the World and imagined if the scene had not been cut. For sure gasps, or wow's or uncomfy laughs might be out at that time. And by this, I really think the producer took a right decision to left the scene out of the big picture.

It was a very moving scene and it was gonna be distracting. And after some search on this particular topic, it turns out that the disturbance of the scene was sparked off by the size of Farrell's you-know.. It was even worse.. I believe that right after he and it showed up on screen, not only gasps and wow's and laughs, but also conversation would have been uttered for some seconds. And I surely will be bugged by them.

10 years ago, as I watched Single White Female and Jennifer Jason Leigh came out on the screen without any thread on her, I was giggling with my childhood bestfriend and we didn't care about the rest of the movie, then. 5 years ago, I watched Edward II which is opened by explicit male to male sexual scenes, the audience gasped, giggled, moved on their seats uncomfortably, and mumbled. The same thing happened when I watched Stanley Kubrick's marathon and nude women were on screen. I thought that would not be the case in this years. Guess I was wrong, then.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Halloween and Winterzeit

Yesterday is Halloween. Around Hamburg, the kids dressed up in costumes and went around the neighborhood and said "Süß oder Sauer" (sweet or sour) instead of trick or treat. I think I like trick or treat better. It's rhymier and somewhat naughtier.

I was having my Halloween evening in my friend's home. When I got there her husband was accompanying their daughter and her friends go around in costumes. Don't tell them this, but they reeaaaallllyyy need a hand in the costume department. Hmm.. I wonder if I have my Halloween night. What will I be?

The door was knocked for some times and not only little girls were there. There were also teenage girls (without their little sisters or brothers) and I didn't recall open the door for some teenage boys, though.

Halloween is another example of American culture that is absorbed in Germany. I asked my friend, and she said that maybe only two or three years prior that they first celebrated their Halloween. She has to dress her son in costumes (which by the way of her talk, I think she finds it annoying) and later on deal with the Süßigkeiten that they got through the entire night.

Now. Very early on the Halloween day, we are changing the clock in here to Winterzeit. It's wintertime in English. Talking to my Professor today, I just realize the real meaning of summertime word in the Summertime song. (Duh?)

Anyway, in short terms, during the 80s the Winterzeit is again introduced to timing system in Germany due to the oil crisis in the world. And that led to the hopeful energy savings in the implementation of Sommer- and Winterzeit. But he said though that this system not significantly increase the rate of energy savings. Interesting..

Having been raised in a tropical country where the sun shines and goes down almost the same in every time of the year, I learned about this system when I got here the first time. Some of my friends are fooled with the system, though. Last year, a friend of mine thought that he was stood up because noone came at the 'right' time. This year, another friend showed up earlier at his church. So far, nothing important has occured to me. Yay!

Oh, Winterzeit is here. Time to pack my summer fashion, and unpack my winter clothing line. Heheheh..